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Affinity Valuation Group LLC
Located in: Ann Arbor, & Saline, Michigan
Website: • 1310 S Main St, Suite 7 • Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Phone: (800) 305-8832 • E-mail:
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The material and information contained on this website is the copyrighted property of Affinity Valuation Group, LLC. Any contents within this website may not be reproduced or republished without prior written permission from Affiinity Valuation Group, LLC. The information on this website is meant for educational and commercial purposes. It is not intended in any way to support an opinion of value for your appraisal needs or any sort of value conclusion for any form of real estate transaction or non-real estate purpose. The material found on this website is meant for casual reading only and is not intended for use in a court of law or any other legal use. No employee of Affinity Valuation Group, LLC will appear in any court of law and in any capacity based on any information posted within this website.
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